39A, Welbeck Street,
London, W1G 8DH

Phone: +44 (0) 7710 740268


Discrete, light touch, full engagement and meaningful content

A clear process into the effectiveness of the Board & Committees that is both light touch and penetrating. The aim is to provide a stimulating exercise that builds the Board’s cohesion and self-confidence.

The approach is flexible and customised to meet the practical needs of the client. While the core activity is a skilled interview with each director, there are additional choices in terms of the number of steps in the methodology and the breadth of data inputs. The optimum design is usually self-evident after an initial briefing with the Chairman and Company Secretary.

We analyse the way the Board uses its time and how that links to its strategy, the quality of information flows, capability and confidence of the Board, rigour of debate and clarity of decision-making.

The focus of the review is a facilitated Board discussion. This is based on a constructive report containing an insightful analysis of the strengths and areas for potential development of the Board, recommendations and a proposed action plan.

Every aspect of the review is conducted by Raymond Dinkin to provide continuity, capture nuances and ensure the highest quality interviewing and interpretation.